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What Size Solar System Do I Need?

Solar panels on a roof. Your local solar supplier

That all depends on what you want to run on the system and at what times of the day, and for how long you run each device.

Running a Fridge, TV and WiFi only requires a small solar inverter and a few solar panels to run during the day when the sun is shining, however at night the fridge will drain the battery at a steady rate, therefore the battery needs to have enough capacity to last the night.

That been said, most new Hybrid inverters do not require large batteries or batteries at all if that is your choice. A hybrid system can use the solar power while the Sun is shining and if you don’t have batteries, it will automatically switch to utility power to keep the devices running at night. This way you can run your heavy loads during the day and import a small amount of power from the grid for night time. If you want to go Off-Grid as much as possible, then you will require a battery bank for the evenings.